Year 1 Geography

We suggest that you use a good world history atlas so that your students can have practice at the skill of using maps and legends. Click the link below for our recommendation. The next choice is to use the supporting links that you find here. Please only let your student look at the teacher map in Map Aids as a last resort.


Holman Bible Atlas: Colorful maps and informative text provide valuable information for those studying Bible history. This is a spine text for Year 1 that your rhetoric students will use over and over again. Younger students can use this to find map labels. 298 pages HB.


Online Maps, Map Vendors, and More!

Unit 1 – The Books of Moses

Week 1: Curtain Rises on Egypt: Gift of the Nile

Week 2: Pharaohs & Pyramids

Week 3: Egyptian Polytheism & the Judgment of God

Week 4: Creation Through Noah

Week 5: Abraham & Ancient Mesopotamian Civilizations

Week 6: The Patriarchs: From Canaan to Egypt

Week 7: In The Wilderness: The Tabernacle & the Law

  • No objectives

Week 8: In The Wilderness: Holiness – Worshipping God as God

  • No objectives

Week 9: In The Wilderness: Slaves to Warriors

Unit 2 – All Governments Are Established by God

Week 10: The Indus Valley, Hinduism, & Buddhism

Week 11: Ancient China: Confucius & Taoism

Week 12: Ancient Americas

Week 13: Early Greek Cultures of the Bronze Age

Week 14: Early Greek Cultures of the Archaic Period

Week 15: The Promised Land: Conquest & Settlement

Week 16: Israel’s Judges and Neighbors

Week 17: The Rise of Saul & the Philistines

Week 18: King David and the Phoenicians

Unit 3 – Preparing the World for its Savior

Week 19: Solomon’s Divided Heart

Week 20: The Divided Kingdom

Week 21: The Assyrian Scourge: The Northern Kingdom Is Deported

Week 22: The Chaldeans (New Babylonians) and the Babylonian Captivity

Week 23: The Medes and Persians: The Israelites Return Home

Week 24: Persians and Greeks: The Persian Wars

Week 25: The Golden Age of Greece and the Peloponnesian Wars

Week 26: Greek Achievements: Science, Mathematics, and Philosophy

Week 27: Alexander the Great: Preparation for Proclamation

Unit 4 – In the Fullness of Time

Week 28: The Etruscans and the Founding of Rome

Week 29: The Roman Republic: Everyday Life

  • No objectives this week

Week 30: The Roman Republic Expands: The Punic Wars

Week 31: From Republic to Empire

Week 32: Imperial Rome: Backdrop to the Atonement

Week 33: The Zenith of Imperial Rome: Backdrop to the Early Church

Week 34: Rome Decays: Saints and Martyrs of the Early Church

  • No objectives this week

Week 35: Christianity Conquers Rome: Of Church Hierarchies

Week 36: Western Rome Falls: Theology and Church Councils